

The game of companies that reduce their carbon footprint

        Milton is a board game for 4 to 12 players, based on data published by ADEME, an experience to be enjoyed in the workplace as part of a 1h30 collaborative workshop.

The life of any company is made up of simple gestures and strategic choices. Both involve the company's responsibility to contribute to the effort to reduce carbon emissions. In order to make the right choices, it is essential to be able to evaluate actions in terms of their carbon equivalent.

Milton invites each player to discover how to reduce the carbon footprint of the fictitious company they represent, while trying to neutralize the attacks of other players who are working to increase their footprint in four categories: buildings, transport, resources and digital.

Trois ans après sa sortie et de nombreuses parties, Milton s’actualise et fait peau neuve dans une nouvelle version
en 2024.

Game designed in collaboration with Artistik Bazaar and studio Idaë.
All data have been verified and come mainly from Adème.
Design team: Isabelle Daëron, Pauline Avrillon and Tiffany Silve (intern).
